What are the possibilities for creating an installer for a Windows application in Linux (setting target = windows, build environment = Linux)

After playing with NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System) a few times, I feel like the pain she is using is bringing me. Unsurprisingly, the authors claim that the scripting implementation is "a mixture of PHP and Assembly".

So, I hope there is something better to write installation procedures to install Windows programs when creating an installation package in Linux.

But I haven't found anything yet. Wix looks promising but doesn't seem to work on Linux, Python can create .msi files, but only when running on Windows.

Izpak quit the game because it requires Java to install on the target system.

Our application to be installed is a python application (and I'm even thinking of scripting the entire installation in Python).

Any other ideas?

Forgot to say: Free / OpenSource apps are preferred. Not only because of the cost, because of the power to control and customize everything. We may be ready to provide professional support if it helps us quickly achieve our goals, but we also want to have complete control over the build system.


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4 answers

You may be interested in BitRock



You can try InstallAnywhere , but it may require Java.



Try running InnoSetup under Wine , It should work if you do not have special needs. InnoSetup is open source BTW.



It seems like pyinstaller can do the trick. I am also looking for something like what you need. I have not tried it yet ...



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