ASP.NET Configuration Tool does not work in folders with special characters

it looks like i just solved my problem why i couldn't use ASP.NET Configuration Tool in VS2008. This tool doesn't seem to work when the solution is in a folder containing special characters - spaces, for example. Actually, I did not find it myself. I found it on various forums.

What puzzles me is that my VS2008 puts new projects (nested web projects) in my documents folder, which start deep in the root with Documents and Settings \ [User] \ Documents (at least on XP). Am I missing something, or does the default make it impossible to use the ASP.NET configuration tool?

Thanks for your feedback.


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1 answer

I use very little of the ASP.Net configuration tool for configuration (all it does is change your web.config) and it can hack a lot, but ...

Most of my projects have gaps at some point and I've never had a problem with that part.

My advice is to figure out exactly what you want to do and how to make that change directly in web.config. (I can hear down-modding as I write this)



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