SSRS color coding charts

I have SSRS solution for SQL 2005 and 2008.

I am showing the output as a column chart with each column representing a different database.

Is there a way to display each column in a different color?




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1 answer

You can use a formula to set the color of each column, but this will work best if you know what the values โ€‹โ€‹of the individual rows ("databases"?) Mean.

Right click on the diagram and display its properties. Now go to the Data tab and select the first item in the list Values

. Click the button Edit...

to display properties for values โ€‹โ€‹(columns) in the chart. The tab Appearance

has a button Series Style...

that takes you to another dialog box.

In this new dialog Style Properties

go to the tab Fill

. This is where you set the color for each of your columns. It could be a formula, so you can do something like:

    Fields!Database.Value = "master", "Blue",
    Fields!Database.Value = "msdb", "Red",


If you do not know in advance which "databases" will be represented in the diagram, this method will not work very well. In this case, you can come up with a formula that hashes the name of the database and matches the color. This sounds like an interesting challenge, so add your own question if you need help with this.


I just have a hash color scheme working. This is a rather annoying piece of code, but I managed to get a unique color for each column (row). Maybe someone can come up with a better algorithm and post it here. Here's mine:

="#" & left(Hex(Fields!Database.GetHashCode()), 6)


So, to get the HashCode for a string (numeric value) and convert it to hex, then take the leftmost six characters and add a "#" to it. This gives us a string that looks like a color value (e.g. # AB12F0).



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