Connect to DB inside awk script

In a shell script, we can connect to the database using sqlplus on unix. can i accomplish the same thing inside awk script? I need to access the output of a select query inside awk what is possible?


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2 answers

I would run the request and feed its output to awk:

sqlplus 'select onething from another' | awk '{ weave awk magic here }'


Like any other command:

pax> ls -alF | awk '{print $9}'




Just use some command line client for your SQL database (if any) and output to awk


eg. with sqlite

(I don't know what the SQL * Plus client has):

echo "select * from foo;" | sqlite3 file.db | awk ...



can't do it. This is the philosophy of UNIX tools, instead of having few tools that do many things, you use many small tools that do a single task and put them together.



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