Coding style: standard for coding functions and procedures

Ch 7.6 of Code Complete 2 confuses me, I have attached some example code (in php) that tells me which style is better? or suggest something better? thank

Style 1

public function register($user, $pass) {
  return false;
 else if($this->twitter->login($user, $pass))
  return $this->model->addUser($user, $pass);

 return false;


Style 2

public function register($user, $pass) {
  return false;

 $this->twitter->login($user, $pass);
  return $this-model->addUser($user, $pass);

 return false;


Style 3

public function register($user, $pass) {
  return false;

 $status = $this->twitter->login($user, $pass);
  return $this->model->addUser($user, $pass);

 return false;


I am currently using style 1. Although I am not entirely sure if it is correct.


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2 answers

I don't want to sound too harsh, but I don't like any of the three suggested styles. If I check for conditions that prevent a function from being executed, I will always stick to that style. Generally:

function action()
    if ($guard_condition1)
        return $failure;

    if ($guard_condition2)
        return $failure;

    return $success;


So I would rewrite your code like this:

public function register($user, $pass)
    if ($this->model->isRegistered($user))
        return false;

    if (!$this->twitter->login($user, $pass))
        return false;

    return $this->model->addUser($user, $pass);


Anyway, if you want an opinion on what you suggested, I would vote for style 3.



In style 1, "if" and "else if" are used in different conditions, so it doesn't make sense.

In styles 2 lines:

 $this->twitter->login($user, $pass);


too difficult to read in some situations, but it is correct.

For me, style 3 is the best.



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