Jquery scrollpane ms ajax updatepanel not working after post posting back

I got a new design for a website and the designer used jquery in the design. I am embedding project no in an ASP.NET Ajax application.

But I got a problem. I have a page with refresh panel and menu. When a menu item is clicked, the custom control is dynamically loaded into a placeholder in the update pane. This makes the page not completely updated, but only the refresh panel.

The content in the custom control now contains scrolling that extends to the maximum height of the window. The first time it runs fine, but when the menu item is clicked and a new custom control is loaded that has content that contains the same scroll area. The height does not increase to the maximum window height, then it only uses the height it needs. The same happens when I don't include jquery files, so it has to do something with the jscript library.

Scripts used on the page:



The main code of the page that loads the main page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<div id="container">

<div id="logo"></div>
    <uc2:Menu ID="ucMenu" runat="server" />
    <uc3:Kruimelpad ID="ucKruimelpad" runat="server" />
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upMain" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
 <asp:PlaceHolder ID="phMain" runat="server" />
<div id="sideBar"> 
   <uc1:Login ID="ucLogin" runat="server" />
<div class="clearboth"></div>

<uc4:Footer ID="ucFooter" runat="server" />



main custom control code:

<div class="editMenu">  
 <div id="content" class="orange-bar"> 
   <div id="contentVlak" class="scroll_pane">
<h1><asp:Label ID="lblNoAccount" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Login, no_account %>"></asp:Label></h1>

<p><asp:Label ID="lblMainText" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Login, main_text %>"></asp:Label>&nbsp;<asp:LinkButton 
                    ID="lbAccountAanvragen" runat="server" 
                    Text="<%$ Resources:Login, demo_account_aanvragen %>" 


CSS code:

 #content {
 background: url(../images/contentBg.png) repeat-y left top;
 position: relative;
 top: 58px;
 margin: 0px 0px 0px 11px !important;
 width: 886px;
 padding: 20px 20px 10px 20px;

  #contentVlak {
  width: 676px;
  padding: 0px 20px;

   #contentVlak p {
   line-height: 20px;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   font-size: 11.5px;

   #contentVlak a {
   font-weight: bold;
   text-decoration: none;

    #contentVlak a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

/* Scrollpane styles */

.scroll_pane {
 overflow: auto;

.jScrollPaneContainer {
 position: relative;
 overflow: hidden;
 z-index: 1;

.jScrollPaneTrack {
 position: absolute;
 cursor: pointer;
 right: 0;
 top: 0;
 height: 100%;
 background: url(../images/scrollTrack.png) repeat-y left top;

.jScrollPaneDrag {
 position: absolute;
 background: #666;
 cursor: pointer;
 overflow: hidden;
 height: 20px !important;
 width: 20px;
 background: url(../images/scrollPane.png) no-repeat left top;
.jScrollPaneDragTop {
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 left: 0;
 overflow: hidden;
.jScrollPaneDragBottom {
 position: absolute;
 bottom: 0;
 left: 0;
 overflow: hidden;
a.jScrollArrowUp {
 display: block;
 position: absolute;
 z-index: 1;
 top: 0;
 right: 0;
 text-indent: -2000px;
 overflow: hidden;
 background: url(../images/scrollUp.png) no-repeat left top;
 height: 16px;
 width: 16px;

a.jScrollArrowDown {
 display: block;
 position: absolute;
 z-index: 1;
 bottom: 0;
 right: 0;
 text-indent: -2000px;
 overflow: hidden;
 background: url(../images/scrollDown.png) no-repeat left top;
 height: 16px;
 width: 16px;


What am I doing wrong?

Code for resizing the block:

function resizeBlock(object) {

var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var start = object.offset().top;
var margin = object.margin().bottom + object.margin().top;
var padding = object.padding().bottom + object.padding().top;

var totalHeight = windowHeight - start - padding - 9;


// Hoogtes van scroll-ding fixen
object.find(".jScrollPaneDrag").height(totalHeight - 32);

// Object opnieuw toevoegen 
$(".scroll_pane").jScrollPane({ showArrows: true, scrollbarWidth: 16 });

$(document).ready(function () {

    // Functie zie hierboven
    $(".scroll_pane").jScrollPane({ showArrows: true, scrollbarWidth: 16 });

    $(window).resize(function() {

    // Custom selectboxes

    if($(".default-usage-select").length > 0) {

    // Watermarks op homepage

    if($("#relatiecode").length > 0) {
        $("#relatiecode").Watermark("relatiecode", "#808285");

    if($("#wachtwoord").length > 0) {
        $("#wachtwoord").Watermark("wachtwoord", "#808285");

    // Accordion box

    if($(".accordion").length > 0) {
            header: '.accordionTrigger',
            autoheight: true,
            animate: '100'

        if($(".accordionTrigger").hasClass("selected")) {
            $("#accordionLastTrigger").addClass  ("activeLastTrigger");

    // Tabbladen 

    if($("#tabContainer").length > 0) {
        $('#tabContainer > ul').tabs();

    // IE 6 Hover fix voor menu's

    if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
        if(parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) == 6) {
        $('ul li').hover(function() {
        }, function() {

});if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();



source to share

2 answers

This is because the control is essentially being redrawn in the browser, and the jQuery that you initialized for the scrollbar has not been re-initialized.

You can use a javascript function that allows you to reinitialize your jQuery code. I'll take a quick example, make sure you have a ScriptManager in your page (from the moment it refreshes the panel ...) ...

<script type="text/javascript">
    function pageLoad() {
        if (!Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().get_isInAsyncPostBack()) {
    function endRequestHandler(sender, args) {
        //Redo the scroll pane jQuery Initialization here...





Thanks RSolberg, your solution worked for me. I am using JScrollpane for Apple devices ... and it works with update panel. Here is my updated code:

    if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('android') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('BlackBerry') != -1)) {

    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1)
        window.attachEvent("onload", pageLoad)
        window.addEventListener("load", pageLoad, false);

    function pageLoad() {
        if (!Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().get_isInAsyncPostBack()) {


    function endRequestHandler(sender, args) {
         if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('android') != -1) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('BlackBerry') != -1)) {




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