Do e-ink / e-paper screens work in RGB, CMYK, or other color space?

Do e-printing / e-paper screens work in RGB, CMYK or some other color space? Do we need to support native CMYK displays in the near future? I am developing a data structure with color information and want to know if the color part should support expansion beyond the four color components (like CMYKA).


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1 answer

Current e-paper technology is constantly moving. Most modern implementations, such as the Amazon Kindle, only support 2 bit (4 levels) or 4 bit (16 levels, Kindle 2) grayscale. It depends on the software how the color information is transmitted.


More modern implementations support color. There are various methods used to create color . Ie, a combination of reflective and radiant technologies is created through filtration (e-ink) or purely reflective methods through electro-humidification such as LiquaVista and Philips. Also, compare liquid crystal (mixed subtractive and additive), TFT (additive) printing (subtractive). Typically RGB or RGBW is used for additive methodologies (e-ink, CRT, TFT, LCD) and CMYK for subtractive technologies (some electromassing implementations such as LiquaVista, all printing systems).

In a document titled "Developing a CMYK Color Display", Hiroki Yamada states that:

We would like to emphasize that RGB display and CMYK display do not conflict with each other. The aim of this study is to establish a complementary relationship between RGB and CMYK display.

Whether you need to write against a driver interface that supports RGB (W) or supports CMYK doesn't really matter much since converting from one system to another is a simple calculation.

Michael Murstam explains clearly in a Youtube discussion (!) About how different technologies are related. In E-Paper, the Color Problem, Linda M. Casatelli explains how RGB and CMYK relate to liquid ink technologies.

Technology is under development

Nowadays, each new system can introduce a new color scheme. When the new system is available, they will create a development kit that you can use to record the screen. In most cases, a device driver removes the complexities of color schemes and usually supports either RGB (W) or CMYK. Often they will allow you to send an independent bitmap structure to the driver and return a device-specific structure.

Your data structures should be designed in such a way that you can easily convert between the two primary color schemes.



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