IME - How to Deal with a Key Press

In my game code, I handle the key input by processing the message WM_KEYDOWN

. wParam gives me the code I need.

The problem is with the IME, especially KoreanIME. I get WM_IME_COMPOSITION

, then WM_KEYUP

, but never WM_KEYDOWN


So the bottom line. I need to get the key code when I receive it WM_IME_COMPOSITION

. Is there a way to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank!


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2 answers

according to the composite key is in wParam encoded as DBCS ( /cs.htm ). I am assuming you need to extract the corresponding byte from the word and decide accordingly.



I know this is a little late, but for others one can use

BOOL ImmDisableIME(
  __in  DWORD idThread


Pass in the id of the UI thread that handles keystrokes.



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