Network deployment project team build error

Visual Studio 2008 Development Team for Web Deploy. Create an ASPPARSE error.

I seem to have a common problem; one that appears but has no clear solution.

I have a Visual Studio 2008 project structure that contains several projects that are class libraries, a web application project, and a newly added web deployment project. I've heard about this issue with MVC settings. Also, the solutions I have seen assume the use of MVC.

I have verified that the assembly works correctly with the IDE. I have not changed the defaults of the web deployment project other than the name of the assembly that it creates by merging one assembly.

I have set my solution to build a web deployment project only when the solution is built to "Release". I have a custom build script that grabs this branch and the development branch. The script line correctly builds the release version of this code and the debug version of the development branch.

The problem occurs when creating a release version. All projects completed successfully except for the web deployment project. TFS Generate errors while building this project with the following error:

/xx.csproj/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'xxx.xx.Global'.


The xx.csproj project is the web application project and "xxx.xx.Global" is the Global.asax code behind the class.

From my reading, it seems like there might be a copy problem with TFS Build. I have read several answers here about MVC. This is not an MVC setup, but I believe it is a similar issue. I'm not sure where the copy code should go. I tried to put some suggested code in my AfterBuild target in TFSBuild.proj file, but the code I found didn't change this error.

<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. 
       Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets.
  <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
  <Target Name="BeforeMerge">
  <Target Name="AfterMerge">
  <Target Name="AfterBuild">


In the above code, the project file appears commented out. My thinking is that the purpose of "BeforeMerge" would allow me to copy the binaries you need. I don't know how to write any script to do this. I have consulted several TFS books, but none of them contain information about web deployment projects. (Much to my chagrin, it seems to me that I cannot find much information from Microsoft regarding this issue).

Seeing that I only saw solutions that reference MVC solutions, I must say that I was looking for work in the target part of AfterBuild. The script line above is directly from deploy_csproj where I tried it in a TSBuild script. Is there any difference in trying to copy binaries anywhere?

Can anyone please explain what's going on? Do I have to write separate build scripts for each project so that they copy their binaries to the correct directory to perform the merge?


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1 answer

I think you are running into a known issue that TFS TeamBuild is redirecting compilation outputs to one folder (not bin \ Release in every project).

I would point you towards this blog post by Aaron Hallberg, which explains the problem and how to work around it:



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