Removing rows from datatable + AcceptChanges
I have 2 datatables in my ASP.NET application. I am looping though they are both, and if I find a match, I remove that particular row from the outer datatable, like so:
For i As Integer = 0 To dtFixedActs.Count - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dtTotals.Count - 1
If dtFixedActs.Rows(i).Item("Activity") = dtTotals.Rows(j).Item("Activity") Then
i += 1
j += 1
End If
This works great except when dtFixedActs only contains 1 row and the match is found in another datatable. I am getting the error "no row at position 1". This makes sense because with i + = 1 I want to go to the next line, which is not possible in this case.
I have tried moving the dtFixedActs.AcceptChanges command to and from the 1st loop, to no avail. I also commented out the line i + = 1, but then I get the message "The deleted line could not be accessed via the line." mistake.
I don't know how to program this problem. When dtFixedActs contains more than 1 line, no problem occurs.
Any suggestions?
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The strangest thing seems to be I solved the problem. I have added a block of code for the exception catch exception like so:
For i As Integer = 0 To dtFixedActs.Count - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dtTotals.Count - 1
If dtFixedActs.Rows(i).Item("Activity") = dtTotals.Rows(j).Item("Activity") Then
i += 1
j += 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Everything is working fine now. Does anyone have an explanation for this as I doubt this is a valid solution?
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While looking for slow performance in my application, I found try / catch to be one of the most expensive operations you can do. In my test, at one time, it took 250ms. Since then, I never use try catch, except as the ultimate protection against errors that I never thought of. Even then, I organize the error log so that the specific error can be recognized and handled directly.
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