Why is my installed MacFUSE NTFS vol read-only?

I got the impression that there is a site on MacFUSE that will be writable when installing and mounting an NTFS volume. However, the volume I installed is read-only. Here are some of the results mount


The external USB NTFS drive I'm talking about:

/dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/SATA160 (local, nodev, nosuid, read-only)


OS X external USB drive (for comparison):

/dev/disk3s3 on /Volumes/USB_ext_drive_40_GB (local, nodev, nosuid, journaled)


Do I need to ask something? Change config file?

I'm on OS 10.4 (Tiger).


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1 answer

Have you also installed the NTFS-3G driver ?



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