How to call a function in a for loop in MATLAB?
I would like to call (execute) m file (function) in a loop like this:
global m, r
m = 2;
for n = 2:10;
for r1 = 0:n-m;
r2 = n-m-r1;
r = [r1,r2];
[Call the function here?????????]
This is the function:
function main
x0 = [-0.5403,0.5471];
function z = fcn(X)
global m, r
a = rand(m,1);
for i = 1:m
sm(i) = 0.0;
for l = m-i+1:m
sm(i) = sm(i)+r(l);
s = 1.0/(i+sm(i));
g(i) = (a(i))^s;
prod = 1.0;
for k = 1:m
prod = prod * g(m+1-k);
u(k) = 1.0-prod;
x(k) = (sqrt(3)/pi)*log(u(k)/(1-u(k)));
sum = 0;
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
for j = 1:m
sum = sum+(r(j)+2)*(1/(1+exp((-pi/sqrt(3))*((x(j)-X(1))/X(2)))));
sum1 = sum1+(r(j)+2)*((x(j)-X(1))/X(2))*(1/(1+exp((-pi/sqrt(3))*((x(j)-X(1))/X(2)))));
sum2 = sum2+(x(j)-X(1))/X(2);
z(1) = pi/(X(2)*sqrt(3))*(-m+sum);
z(2) =(-1/X(2))*(m+(pi/sqrt(3))*(sum2-sum1));
Many thanks for your help.
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Functions main
and fcn
should be saved in a file named main.m. You have to make sure that this file is either in your current working directory or somewhere in the MATLAB path (as Amro mentions in the comment ) for MATLAB to get to it. Since main
it takes no input arguments and has no output arguments, you can simply call it in one of the following ways:
main main; main() main();
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I would create your function without the main () part.
create a file called fcn.m with your fcn function in it, make sure it's in your working directory or in your matlab path, then call it inside your loop.
global m, r
m = 2;
for n = 2:10;
for r1 = 0:n-m;
r2 = n-m-r1;
r = [r1,r2];
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