Change the photo selected by UIImagePicker before using it in the move and zoom screen

as you probably know, the UIImagePickerController in the UIKit Framework allows the user to take a snapshot, which is then passed to my application for further processing. If the AllowEditing property is set to YES, the user is allowed to move and scale the photo after accepting it.

What I would like to do is change the photo in my code before the user is presented with the move and zoom screen. This is because I would like to add some visual effects to the photo and the user should be able to move and scale with these effects already applied to the photo.

I know there is a cameraOverlayView property, but that is not useful in my case as far as I know.

Any ideas?

Thank you Thomas


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1 answer

The tricky way is to implement the move and scale functions yourself.
do showsCameraControls

NO. You can create your own preview screen (with modified image).

Looks like there are touch issues in IOS5 cameraOverlayView. Make sure the above solution works for IOS5 too :).



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