Server side method call using __DoPostBack by method name

I want to call a server side method using __DoPostBack and generate HTML, but I donโ€™t want my page to have a hidden ASPA control server side and it can be called a server side method by name rather than control name , call it ??


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4 answers

Whenever I see this question, I get a little nervous that the searcher doesn't quite understand the full implications of triggering a response, so I want to cover them briefly:

  • The browser's current DOM instance has been destroyed. As far as the browser is concerned, you submit the current page and request a complete new one.
  • Not only does the server-side method execute, but the rest of the page's lifecycle, including mandatory data binding or page / page load code. Everything will be remodeled from scratch.

Is this really what you want?



Well the same happens if I click the runatserver button all pages will be displayed again.

i called the javascript function __DoPostBack with the name of the control as a parameter and it works the same if i click a button or link.



Take a look at the different ways ASP.Net handles AJAX functionality or callbacks for a different term, as it looks like what you are trying to do. The method must exist either within the page, or if it is in a control, then an identifier must exist for that control to determine which button was clicked, since it repeats the same control once on the page.



As Joel mentioned, you may have unintended behavior overlapping such writebacks. There is nothing wrong with that if you fully understand what is happening.

I think you really want to be WebMethod

. This will save your page, but will allow you to call a specific method on the server side:

public partial class _Default : Page 
  public static string GetDate()
    return DateTime.Now.ToString();


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