How can I work with Chinese characters from the database?

I am facing the problem of capturing Chinese characters in a dataset.

In Delphi 2010, I tried two kinds of components:

  • Delphi default
  • Developer Express components

As a result, those components that are not bound to the data source work fine, but these components have such a reference to the data source. Chinese characters have been converted to question marks, except for TDBMemo. See image below.

A dataset is a client dataset with two fields:

  • Name - string
  • Description - Note

What should I do to make it work?


TForm1 = class(TForm)
ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet;
ClientDataSet1Name: TStringField;
ClientDataSet1Description: TMemoField;
DataSource1: TDataSource;
ClientDataSet2: TClientDataSet;
ClientDataSet2Name: TStringField;
ClientDataSet2Description: TMemoField;
DataSource2: TDataSource;



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2 answers

In Delphi 2010, the property value is TStringField

and TMemoField's

has a type AnsiString

. It is for this reason that Chinese characters are not displayed in data controls.

Instead, you must declare the field type as ftWideString

or ftWideMemo

to be created TWideStringField

and TWideMemoField




1) I am using ClientDataset standalone without any data provider.

2) We expect the result to be the same for TEdit and TDBEdit. Isn't it D2010 native Unicode?

it's just a simple standalone ClientDataset:

TForm1 type = class (TForm)

ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet;

ClientDataSet1Name: TStringField;

ClientDataSet1 Description: TMemoField;

DataSource1: TDataSource;

ClientDataSet2: TClientDataSet;

ClientDataSet2Name: TStringField;

ClientDataSet2 Description: TMemoField;

DataSource2: TDataSource;



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