If iTunes tells me when I programmatically sync the iphone using COM

I wrote an application that syncs a calendar from Lotus Notes to the iphone (using MS Outlook as the conduit) and I want to tell iTunes to change the settings on the iphone.

I can do it pretty well using the COM interface ( IITIpodSource.UpdateIpod ), but the problem is that this method returns immediately when it starts sync. Then iTunes will handle the rest. I want my app to be informed when iTunes has finished syncing so that I can update my GUI accordingly.

So, as long as iTunes syncs the iphone correctly, my app is never told when it's done. A status flag that I can poll is as good as an event by the way ...

I can't find anything in the documentation. Has anyone ever tried something like this?

Edit: I tried to poll the FreeSpace property , but it seems that it is updated before the sync is done (may even update multiple times as far as I can tell)


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1 answer

Try doing something else right on the iPod (for example, create a new playlist - throwing out can be a little "too complicated" if you can't re-insert the iPod programmatically). At least through the GUI, you can only do this after the sync is complete.



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