How to use app settings in monoproject?
I am trying to port my application to Mono, however Mono does not support "Application Settings". I do not and will not use Mono Develop, development is done with Visual Studio.
Is there any quick way to fix this problem? Or should I implement my own parameter replacement class?
If it matters, it's a VB.NET application.
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The best place to ask questions like Mono dev mail list is at
I'm sure there is a workaround and there is no reason to implement it
And probably the root cause of your problem is VB.BET because the implementation in Mono is very lagging behind compared to C #
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see the following code from my app:
Dim Threshold As Integer = My.Settings.Threshold
My.Settings.Threshold = 15
They must be in sync with the app / user settings. Yes, I am using the Visual Studio Settings and app.config feature with user and application scopes.
Mono doesn't support it. This is not implemented and AFAIK never returns anything. MoMA says Monotodo .
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