How to use app settings in monoproject?

I am trying to port my application to Mono, however Mono does not support "Application Settings". I do not and will not use Mono Develop, development is done with Visual Studio.

Is there any quick way to fix this problem? Or should I implement my own parameter replacement class?

If it matters, it's a VB.NET application.


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4 answers

Can you elaborate on "Application Settings"? Are you trying to use the app.config file? Or maybe a project file settings tab?

Mono must support both of these files.

Perhaps you could also clarify what "does not support". Are you getting an error? If so, what is the message?



The best place to ask questions like Mono dev mail list is at

I'm sure there is a workaround and there is no reason to implement it

And probably the root cause of your problem is VB.BET because the implementation in Mono is very lagging behind compared to C #



Mono does not natively support this feature. You are contributing a lot to building your codebase by implementing this feature, perhaps for monodevelop, IDE ID for Linux and mono development in C # and other languages.




see the following code from my app:

Dim Threshold As Integer = My.Settings.Threshold



My.Settings.Threshold = 15


They must be in sync with the app / user settings. Yes, I am using the Visual Studio Settings and app.config feature with user and application scopes.

Mono doesn't support it. This is not implemented and AFAIK never returns anything. MoMA says Monotodo .



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