IE8 - Flash Issues

Has anyone faced an issue like this with Flash [as3] in IE8?

I noticed that when I first view the swf with IE8 everything works and looks correct. However, when I click the Refresh button, several elements that use the stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight properties may not work as they should.

This only happens in IE, tested in Safari, Chrome, FF ...

Is there a quick fix? I would rather not rewrite large chunks of code ...


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2 answers

It turns out this is a bug in IE.

If you update the flash project when it is initialized, the stage.stageHeight and width will be drawn as zero.

To fix this, I put an event listener on the stage at stage.RESIZE, and once that happened, I knew IE would be able to report the correct sizes and the rest of the swf would load.



How can I pass width and height from FlashVars instead of using stageWidth

/ stageHeight


And you asked things like <param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="tl" />




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