Textmate Regex Find Replacement Help

I have a project that I am working on converting some legacy perl cgi forms to PHP. This requires searching / replacing information. In one such case, I have lines like this in a perl script:

<INPUT type="radio" name="trade" value="1" $checked{trade}->{1}>


which must be read:

<INPUT type="radio" name="trade" value="1" <?php echo checked('trade', 1); ?>>


Another example to show some changes in how these tags can be displayed in perl / html:

<INPUT type="radio" name="loantype" value="new" $checked{loantype}->{new}>
<INPUT type="radio" name="loantype" value="new" $checked{'loantype'}->{new}>
<INPUT type="radio" name="loantype" value="new" $checked{'loantype'}->{'new'}>
<INPUT type="radio" name="loantype" value="new" $checked{loantype}->{'new'}>


As you can see, quotes can be anywhere, but that's not my problem. I decided to write a find / replace regex in textmate to make my life a little easier. The regex looks like this:

Find:     \$checked\{'?([^']+)'?\}->\{'?([^']+)'?\}
Replace:  <?php echo checked('$1', '$2'); ?>


This worked fine in the first file I did it with, but for some reason in the current file, Regex got really greedy, matching many lines. it will match begininng (\ $ checked ...) and then match the last occurrence of the '}' character. I've tried several options to make it less greedy, including:



But even that looks like a few lines. I assumed that the ^ at the beginning would match the beginning of the line, and the $ at the end would only match the end ... limiting my match to 1 line ... but that doesn't seem to.

/ me doesn't work in regex

Thanks for any help, Mike


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1 answer

Try the following:




after *

and +

make them "inanimate".



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