Lock ActiveRecord / NHibernate optimization

I have the following structure: a message (message table) can have multiple fields (fields table) and each field can have multiple subfields (stored in the same "fields" table with the only difference that the fields have no values ​​in Column "ParentField"). The subfields can have subheadings, etc., but that doesn't matter.

When I get 10 messages, each with 10 fields and each field has 20 subfields, I can see from the log file that NHibernate is generating 2000 SQL calls. Is there a way to optimize this?


Here is one of 2000 SQL statements generated by NHibernate:

SELECT   fieldresul0_.MessageResults_ID as MessageR6___2_, 
         fieldresul0_.ID as ID2_, 
         fieldresul0_.ID as ID5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.Field_ID as Field2_5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.Name as Name5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.Value as Value5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.MessagePosition as MessageP5_5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.MessageResults_ID as MessageR6_5_1_, 
         fieldresul0_.ParentField_ID as ParentFi7_5_1_, 
         fieldresul1_.ID as ID5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.Field_ID as Field2_5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.Name as Name5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.Value as Value5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.MessagePosition as MessageP5_5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.MessageResults_ID as MessageR6_5_0_, 
         fieldresul1_.ParentField_ID as ParentFi7_5_0_ 
FROM     FieldResults fieldresul0_ 
         LEFT OUTER JOIN FieldResults fieldresul1_ 
                      ON fieldresul0_.ParentField_ID=fieldresul1_.ID 
WHERE    fieldresul0_.MessageResults_ID=@p0 
ORDER BY fieldresul0_.MessagePosition


Here is the mapping file that ActiveRecord generates:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> 
    <hibernate-mapping  auto-import="true" default-lazy="false" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">  
      <class name="FieldResult, Data" table="FieldResults"> 
        <id name="ID" access="property" column="ID" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0"> 
          <generator class="native">    
            <param name="sequence">FieldResults_ID</param>  
        <property name="FieldID" access="property" type="String">   
          <column name="Field_ID"/> 
        <property name="Name" access="property" type="String">  
          <column name="Name"/> 
        <property name="DisplayValue" access="property" type="String">  
          <column name="Value"/>    
        <property name="MessagePosition" access="property" type="Int32">    
          <column name="MessagePosition"/>  
        <many-to-one name="ParentMessage" access="property" class="MessageResult, Data" column="MessageResults_ID" />   
        <many-to-one name="ParentField" access="property" class="FieldResult, Data" column="ParentField_ID" />  
        <bag name="Children" access="property" table="FieldResults" lazy="false" cascade="all" order-by="Field_ID"> 
          <key column="ParentField_ID" />   
          <one-to-many class="FieldResult, Data" /> 



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2 answers

I'm guessing it was an n + 1 selection issue. Have you tried to load a download or custom HQL query? I'll post an HQL example to get around this if you don't have



there is a way to help nhibernate do more efficient joins. explicitly tell the query processor to include lookup tables using "join fetch" and get your results through HQL and Session.CreateQuery ()

from FieldRestults fr 
left join fetch fr.ParentMessage 
left join fetch fr.ParentField


Package optimization is another issue that I am currently investigating.



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