Expression Web: shortcut doesn't point to exe file but I want to use it for editing

Problem: I have to support users who need to edit web pages. Some of these web pages only exist as textarea controls. Fortunately, there is a firefox plugin that allows the user to open a textbox in their default text editor. Unfortunately, this plugin requires you to specify the EXE file of the text editor you want to invoke.

This is a reasonable requirement, but @ # $% ^ Microsoft Expression Web is one of those applications whose .lnk file shortcut does not point to a real EXE file. If there is an EXE file somewhere, it is hidden.

Question: How can I find the actual EXE file so people can customize the Microsoft Expression website as their editor?

Update: . I had to stress that I was looking for a way to automate this with a script or batch file (hence the SO post, in case someone "not related to programming" the spidey feeling was a tingling sensation).


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1 answer

I found my executable in the following location:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Expression\Web Designer\EXPRWD.EXE


I'm not sure if this gives you what you want, but you can always use your users (or programmatically) for EXPRWD.EXE and go from there.



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