Can ReportViewer display a hyperlink with a relative path?

I have created a local report on a data source that has a field named "RelativePath". When the WinForms application displays the report, it exports the files to the location specified in the RelativePath field. In Report Builder, I have set the Navigation | Hyperlink | Jump to URL to "= Fields! RelativePath.Value" and set the report's EnableHyperlink property to true. However, when my application displays the report, the hyperlink is not active. However, if I hard-code the jump url to an absolute path, it works fine. Does ReportViewer display a hyperlink with a relative path?


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3 answers

I was struggling with the same problem, after which I came to the conclusion that Reportviewer does not support relative path hyperlinks. To fix this, add custom code that extracts the relative path, then combine with field values ​​that can be part of the url, at least for me.




I faced the same problem. To work around this, I created an "AbsolutePath" report parameter.

Go to your project .rdlc file. Under the "Report Data" tab, you will see the "Parameters" node. Right click on it:

  • Add parameter ...
  • On the General tab, enter AbsolutePath for the Name property.
  • Click on "Defaults"
  • Select the "Specify Values" radio button.
  • Add new value "AbsolutePath".

In your ActionBox Action expression add something like this = "javascript: void ( ('" + Parameters! AbsolutePath.Value + "/yourpage.aspx?id=" + Fields! Id.Value + "', '_blank ')) "

You can see that a new "AbsolutPath" parameter is available to add to your expression.

Now you need to pass the value to the report parameter, for example.

    string baseUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
    var param = new ReportParameter("AbsolutePath", baseUrl);




Just use a global variable Globals!ReportServerUrl

in the expression

= Globals!ReportServerUrl + "yourpath"




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