Redirecting audio output

I need a way to redirect Mac output to another computer on the same network as the Mac, no sound. I'm on Snow Leopard, and the other computer that has speakers doesn't have an operating system.


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2 answers

Perhaps the easiest solution is to use Rogue Amoeba Nicecast . It can capture system audio and stream it locally so you can pick it up on another machine with any MP3 player that supports streaming.



What is the source of the audio software? If the audio source is iTunes, there are a few things you can do with specific Airport Express hardware support. If you don't want to spend more money on Team Apple, then the Enlightenment Daemon works on almost any hardware (Linux, OS / X or Windows / Cygwin).

There's a quick tutorial here . He uses Rogue Audio Hijack; it looks like someone recommended another Rogue Audio project. I'm a fan of Airfoil from them, as it allows me to transfer Pandora to the Airport Express in the main room.



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