Choosing Linq Compound

How can I concatenate two arrays into one array while choosing a join ( without using Union ) (question was asked in an interview).

    var num1 = new int[] { 12, 3, 4, 5 };
    var num2 = new int[] { 1, 33, 6, 10 };


I tried like

    var pairs = from a in num1 from b in num2  select new {combined={a,b}};


Expected: should be {12,3,4,5,1,33,6,10}


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3 answers

num1.Concat( num2 );


I'm not sure if there is a related LINQ keyword.



If you just want to concatenate 2 arrays into a new array containing elements from both arrays use concat.

var combined = num1.Concat(num2);
var combinedAsArray = combined.ToArray();




var newArray = (from number in num1.Concat (num2) select number) .ToArray ();



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