Javascript / Ajax - manually remove event handler from Sys.EventHandlerList ()

I have two script controls, one contains the other, and I was successfully able to handle events from the child on the parent with:

initialize: function() 
    this._autoComplete = $get(this._autoCompleteID);

    this._onAutoCompleteSelected = Function
      .createDelegate(this, this.handleAutoCompleteSelected);

    var autoControl = this._autoComplete.control;


Where addItemSelected (on child):

addItemSelected: function(handler) 

    list = this.getEvents();
    list.addHandler('userItemSelected', handler);



and getEvents is:

getEvents: function() 

    if (this._events == null) 
        this._events = new Sys.EventHandlerList();

    return this._events;


The problem is, when disposing of the parent, I want to do the same:

dispose: function() 
    var autoControl = this._autoComplete.control;


but .control doesn't exist anymore. I am assuming this is because the child control has already been removed and hence the .control property no longer works.

In light of this, I decided to fire the event list on the child and remove all event handlers in it.

dispose: function() 
    list = this.getEvents();
    for(var item in list._list)
        var handler;

        handler = list.getHandler(item);

        list.removeHandler(item, handler);



Is there a better way to do this?


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1 answer

I'm not sure if the "control" expando property on a DOM element is the correct way to reference a control object. It is driven by the framework, and as you can see, I think it is already running by the time you intend to issue.

Have you tried using $find

instead $get

and redesigning your links this way ?:

initialize: function() 
    this._autoControl = $find(this._autoCompleteID);

    this._onAutoCompleteSelected = Function
      .createDelegate(this, this.handleAutoCompleteSelected);


dispose: function() 
    this._autoControl = null;


Oh yeah, and where you refer to the DOM element stored in this._autoComplete

, you yourself are going through the control object itself:



So basically invert the logic "get element => get control object" to "get control => get element".



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