How can I know when my tomcat web app is suspended?

I want to receive an "event" before tomcat stops my web application.
My application has to "complete" stuff before it closes.


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3 answers

I think I found, I created a servlet and implemented

public void destroy();


I have verified that this method is called when I stop the application from the tomcat admin page and even when I close the tomcat server

JavaEE 6 doc on servlets



A servlet that doesn't respond to anything destroy()

is functional, but a bit hacky. Servlets are designed to handle web requests.

The right thing to do is to implement ServletContextListener and make your wrapper in the method contextDestroyed()


Register ServletContextListener

yours in web.xml, for example:





You can write a ContextListener that responds to unfolding / unfolding events. Perhaps you can send an email when the context is not expanded.

I'm just not sure if this event is fired if the app server is stopped.



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