C # MySQL connection problems

I am trying to connect a C # application (using Visual C # 2008 Express Edition) to a remote MySQL server. I have drivers for this, but when I followed the tutorials (including adding union and connection reset properties) I get the error: Object reference not set to object instance. I have included two lines of code that should establish the connection. The error is displayed on the second line.

        MySqlConnection connect = new MySqlConnection("database=d*******;Data Source=mysql.netfirms.com;user id=*******;pwd=*****;pooling=false;connection reset=false");



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3 answers

I would try to set the connection string outside of the constructor to reduce the problem:

MySqlConnection connect = new MySqlConnection();
//Do you get the null exception in this next line?
connect.ConnectionString = "your conn string here";
connect.Open(); //-> If you get the exception here then the problem is with the connection string and not the MySqlConnection constructor.


If you get an exception on connect.ConnectionString = ... then the problem is with the driver and sounds like you need to reinstall it.

I would also try a simpler connection string without the merge and reset commands.



Can you post more code? The exception line is probably a little off track due to or related to compiler optimizations. Constructors must return an object or throw an exception. It is impossible to tell

MyType item = new MyType();
Debug.Fail(item == null); // will never fail.


The null reference is probably on the line just above your instance.



Could it be related to this error?



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