MySql and php variables

I am getting an error in php. What is the correct way to format this string to go to mysql_query () in php?

SELECT count(*) FROM agents INTO @AgentCount;

SELECT user_agent_parsed, user_agent_original, COUNT( user_agent_parsed ) AS thecount, 
    COUNT( * ) / ( @AgentCount) AS percentage
FROM agents
GROUP BY user_agent_parsed
ORDER BY thecount DESC LIMIT 50;


In php, this is how I set up $ query

      $query = "
      SELECT count(*) FROM agents INTO @AgentCount;

      SELECT user_agent_parsed, user_agent_original, COUNT( user_agent_parsed ) AS thecount, 
          COUNT( * ) / ( @AgentCount) AS percentage
      FROM agents
      GROUP BY user_agent_parsed
      ORDER BY thecount DESC LIMIT 50";


This exact query will work fine if I put it directly into MySql via a command line session. Do I need to issue two separate php calls to mysql_query () and store the first result?

I am getting the following error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual corresponding to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use next to "SELECT user_agent_parsed, user_agent_original, COUNT (user_agent_parsed) AS thecount" on line 3

The reason for not using sub-selection and instead selecting the MySql variable is to avoid evaluating count () on every percentage calculation. While this may be possible, the engine will optimize for this. So far, I have not been able to confirm this. I've also heard that sub-selections are almost always sub-optimal.

EXPLAIN tells me the following:

id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 PRIMARY agents index NULL user_agent_parsed 28 NULL 82900 Using temporary; Using filesort
2 SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Select tables optimized away

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2 answers

You can only have one request at a time in PHP.

 $query1 = "SELECT count(*) FROM agents INTO @AgentCount"
  SELECT user_agent_parsed, user_agent_original, COUNT( user_agent_parsed ) AS thecount, 
  COUNT( * ) / ( @AgentCount) AS percentage
  FROM agents
  GROUP BY user_agent_parsed
  ORDER BY thecount DESC LIMIT 50";



I have a DAL that contains all of my requests. A typical function in my DAL looks like this:

// These functions are reusable 
  public function getAllRows($table)
    $sql =" SELECT * FROM $table";
    return $this->query_result;       


Then in my BLL (Business Layer) I have the following:

  public function getUserAgents()
      $result = parent::getAllRows();
      $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
      return $row[0]; // Retrieves the first row

      // Then you take this value and to a second request. Then return the answer / rows.




If you are using mysql_query

, then yes, you need to submit each request separately. From the description at the top of the mysql_query

PHP manual entry : "mysql_query () sends a unique query (multiple queries are not supported) to the currently active database ..."

As far as subqueries are concerned, you might be surprised; the query optimizer usually does a great job with them.



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