Handling dynamically created controls in asp.net

What's the best way to handle data entered with dynamically created controls in ASP.NET?

I currently have a bunch of controls that are generated in the Page_Load step and I need to access data from them. It looks like one could just use a hidden field that was read and parsed on postback, but I would like to know if there is a better way to do this to make better use of the framework.


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3 answers

The key recreates the controls on postback.

An old but good article to explain how and why.

You can also use the request.form collection to grab the posted values.



redsquare is correct. If you can just remember that ASP.Net is a lie wrapped around Http, then you should be fine. In the browser, it doesn't matter that MS neatly abstracts the Http request / response from you in the form of web controls. He only knows that he needs to wrap each of the form variables and their corresponding values ​​and send them back to the server via Http.



You want dynamic controls to be kept to a minimum, ESPECIALLY if you add events to them.

I am using @redsquare in the ASP.NET MVC recommendation.



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