Methods for interacting with a Pervasive SQL database

I am developing a web interface for a business service management application that uses a Pervasive SQL database to store information (not my choice, by the way). At the moment I'm using the official Pervasive SqlClient implementation with a custom set of query generation classes, so I can write code like:

new SelectQuery().From("CUSTOMER").Fields("CUSTOMERNBR", "NAME");


Everything is currently working, but I'm having problems here. Rather than keep going in this direction, I would rather use the proven DAL. However, I have not had much luck finding a DAL system that can interact with the Pervasive database.

Opf3 has a Pervasive storage provider, but I've never heard of this structure before and the website only displays the Pervasive v8 logo, while I need something that will work with v9.5 and, in the future, v10 ...

I tried writing an NHibernate provider, but it ended up being an even bigger headache than my current query engine.

What do you suggest? I'm on a very urgent timeline, so I would like something that integrates as easily as possible.


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2 answers

Pervasive.SQL has a pretty solid ADO adapter and rolls over ODBC in most cases; I have used if successful for years, but not without the headaches of Pervasive syntax. In Pervasive protection, their relational engine does indeed conform to SQL-92 and most SQL-99.

What I'm wondering is what parts of the syntax are you experiencing that is causing your grief?

Which version of Pervasive are you using?



You should be able to find the ODBC drivers from Pervasive - they must be robust or Pervasive is no longer working. And most higher level abstraction programs can deal with ODBC level data. I think this will be your best bet if you feel like you really need to take it further than ODBC itself.



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