SQL Server 2008 picking the first row from multiple tables?

I have a table that stores articles, for example an example:

Articles table:

ID #CategoryID #Text #Date

So, on the page I have different sections and each section has its own category ID. For example, sport is 1, news is 2, etc.

Now I want to download the last article from the number x. I have a SP that accepts nvarchar with a space separated ID.

So now the question is, how can I select the last inserted article from categories in nvarchar?

I am using Erland Sommerskog nvarchar-to-table to get the id into the table ( http://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql-2005.html#iter-list-of-integers )

Typically I would use something like this to select articles from several categories:

SELECT TOP 5 ArticleID, Headline, CategoryID, ShortDescription, DatePublished 
FROM Article 
WHERE ArticleState = 3 
AND CategoryID IN (SELECT i.number FROM iter_intlist_to_tbl(@Categories) AS i)
ORDER BY DatePublished DESC


But how can I select only the latest article from each of the categories provided?


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1 answer

FROM    iter_intlist_to_tbl(@Categories) i
        SELECT  TOP 1 *
        FROM    Article
        WHERE   CategoryID = i.number
                AND ArticleState = 3
        ORDER BY
                DatePublished DESC
        ) a


This will select the last article ArticleState = 3

from each category, or NULL

if there are no such articles in the category.



All Articles