Installing Coldfusion 8 32 bit on a 64 bit machine - all problems?

We are planning to upgrade our test server, and for that we planned to purchase a 64-bit machine from Dell running Windows 2008 x64 for the web.

For now, however, we would like to continue using 32-bit Coldfusion 8.

Is there anything to stop us from doing this, or do we need to upgrade to 64-bit Coldfusion 8?

Anyone having trouble running 32bit CF on 64bit Windows? I see that some people have had problems before (not on Windows, however), but I'm pretty sure everything will work fine.

Thank you very much in advance. Kiran


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2 answers

This works great in my experience. However, you must change the setting on IIS to allow 32-bit extensions, which (IIRC) disables 64-bit extensions. This means that if everything you do on this machine works with IIS and CF, you may not see any gain. However, if you are running other applications in 64-bit mode, you need memory access etc, then use for that.



Is there a reason you want to stick with 32-bit?

For 32-bit CF on Windows 2008 x64 instructions check this blog post which has a section on 32-bit CF ...

ColdFusion 8 on Windows Server 2008



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