Silverlight 2 Zindex Issue on ASP.NET IE6 Page

I have a Silverlight menu in an ASP.NET page, this page has an Html table at the bottom of the menu and a dropdown in the table at the bottom.

Silverlight DIV - position: absolute; z-index: 999; Silverlight application is designed with zindex in its elements, with no windows and transparent background.

This works fine on Firefox, however in IE6 (requirement) it doesn't work, silverlight gets below html table and dropdownlist

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Gabrielle


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2 answers

I've only spent a small amount of time on this particular issue, but it seems to be an issue with most z-index settings since IE6.

It looks like in Internet Explorer (windows) positioned elements create a new stacking context starting at z-index value 0 quote

I found an article that fixes this problem by setting parent z indices as well. However, you point out that the Silverlight div has a z-index specified but no code, so I can only guess that what you did might be the same as in the article.

There is another article that uses iFrames that you can also watch.

Hope this helps you.



Well, I had to solve a nasty javascript problem.

Think IFrame solved most of the problem, the other part I had to remove any position: the relative one I used, and there was still an ASP.NET DropDownList that hit me in my silvery menu, I don't have time to resolve this on the "correct" paths (if I can even say it). I had to use javascript to hide the DropDownList and when the user hovers over from the menu, I will show the dropdown again.

this working example link helped me a lot.

Thanks for helping everyone who helped.



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