Where can I add my RSS feed in WordPress
1 answer
Point yourself to the following file: wp-includes/general-template.php
Then, move on to the next function (around line 1454):
function feed_links( $args ) {
//--guts of the function
You will notice two (2) lines just before the function closes:
echo '<link rel="alternate" type="' . feed_content_type() . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf( $args['feedtitle'], get_bloginfo('name'), $args['separator'] )) . '" href="' . get_feed_link() . "\" />\n";
echo '<link rel="alternate" type="' . feed_content_type() . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf( $args['comstitle'], get_bloginfo('name'), $args['separator'] )) . '" href="' . get_feed_link( 'comments_' . get_default_feed() ) . "\" />\n";
Edit the first line with the Feedburner url, for example (broken into lines for clarity and so you don't scroll like in the above code block):
echo '<link rel="alternate" type="' . feed_content_type() . '"
title="' . esc_attr(sprintf( $args['feedtitle'], get_bloginfo('name'),
$args['separator'] )) . '"
href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/example"' . " />\n";
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