Is there a way to display a PDF in an webpage without frames?
I have a PDF document that needs to be picked up in the browser, edited and saved. I can save using Adobe's built-in toolbar, along with all the other acrobat features. But what I'm trying to see is the way the PDF is displayed on the web page alongside the web controls.
For example, at the top of a webpage, I have a dropdown. It has a list of PDF files. I choose one and the bottom of the web page opens in PDF format.
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I would like to connect with people at ceTe (DynamicPDF developers). Their product allows you to dynamically replace the output of your page with a PDF file, but this involves changing the entire page (the mime type will be pdf). Is it possible to display a page on a panel? I don't think so, but they would be the people I spoke to.
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