How to insert welcome screen into Iphone app for navigation?

I am new to Iphone App develoment and I was wondering how to insert a welcome screen when my app starts over. The application is primarily focused on navigation. There are tables that users can expand and see the characteristics of the item they have selected. I want there to be a welcome screen that gives two options. But I don't want it to look like a table. I would prefer a background image and two rounded rectangular buttons that link to my tables. Is it possible? If so, how?


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3 answers

You have to add Default.png

. This is displayed when your application is loading. Just add it to your project and you have a splash screen. Easy-Peasy.

Read the HIG ( Human Interface Guides ) for more information. (Reading the HIG will also smooth out the review process; you are less likely to offend Apple if you follow their guidelines.)



You must first define a new ViewController

, supported XIB (call it WelcomeController

). Place the UI as you want (add two Round Rect buttons). Set the background color as suggested by @Grumdrig or use a large ImageView as the background.

Then, wherever you add UINavigationController

to your window, add an instance of your WelcomeController instead.

To cancel the WelcomeController, simply remove its view from the supervisor and insert the NavigationController.



In short, create a UIView with two UIButtons inside it ...

Set the background image with

view.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"background.png"]];


I would encourage you to spend some time reading / browsing the tutorials at to get some basic concepts.



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