Line tracking robot

Me and my friends are building a line tracking robot based on my previous question on how to track a white line on a black surface. We settled on using photoresistors and an arduino board. Now all the reflective sensors I have found should be very close to the line 1 to 2 cm above the line. Now one of my teammates had a heated argument with the professor that there are reflection sensors that can track 10cm or more, but we couldn't find them.

Is there any sensor that will allow us to track the line further?


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2 answers

Using arduino, you are most likely going to use the pololu library for reflectivity sensors. Even with this type of sensor array , you are looking at the maximum sensing distance of just an inch (9.5mm). I think your teammate came out ten times, you can dial him one professor!

The Lego light sensor is a good example of this type of sensor. If you can get the NXT kit, this is an arduino alternative. And who doesn't like playing with lego !!





You need a laser sensor if you want a range of more than a few centimeters and don't want to worry about doing it yourself. Google for "laser contrast sensor" if you really need it.

One of the ways to increase the sensitivity is to illuminate the white range with a row of LEDs perpendicular to it, and sequentially turn one of them on and off, tracking the readings of the photoresistor in software. Of course, you probably want to optically focus the LEDs on some and use modulation to minimize interference if using simple photocells. It will be interesting to see the actual distribution of the resistance values ​​along the LED array on the white line.



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