FBML multi-user selector in fb dialog:

Is there a way to show the multi-friend selector widget (fb: multi-friend-selector) in the fb: <dialog? p>

I have a button that when selected I would like to show a friend pick popup and users can send an invite to their friends. I have a friends selector that works on the homepage, but has no idea how to display this widget in the fb: dialog.

Thank You Jugs


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1 answer

You will need to edit this, but here's the jist:

popupInviteFriends: function (e) {if (e) {e.preventDefault (); }

    var fbml = '<fb:request-form \
                    action="." \
                    method="GET" \
                    invite="true" \
                    type="TWO" \
                    content="This is an invitation from ' + TWOFace.BRAND + '. \
                             &lt;fb:req-choice url=\'' + TWOFace.INVITE_DIALOG.postBack + '\' \
                                  label=\'Join ' + TWOFace.BRAND + '\' /&gt;"> \
                    <fb:multi-friend-selector \
                        showborder="false" \
                        rows="4" \
                        actiontext="Invite your friends to use ' + TWOFace.BRAND + '"> \
                    </fb:multi-friend-selector> \

    var container           = document.createElement('div');
        container.innerHTML = fbml;
    var inviteIFrame        = new FB.UI.PopupDialog(TWOFace.INVITE_DIALOG.title, container);





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