Should the colon character be discarded in TEXT values ​​in iCalendar (rfc2445)?

My understanding from reading the specification ( ) is that the ":" character should not run into text values ​​such as DESCRIPTION.

From RFC:

The TEXT property values ​​can also contain special characters that are used to indicate delimiters, such as the COMMA character for lists of values ​​or the SEMICOLON character for structured values. In order to support the inclusion of these special characters in the "TEXT" property
values, they MUST be escaped with the BACKSLASH character. BACKSLASH
character (US-ASCII decimal code 92) in the "TEXT" property value MUST be escaped with another BACKSLASH character. COMMA character in format The value of the "TEXT" property MUST be escaped with the BACKSLASH character
(US-ASCII decimal 92). SEMICOLON symbol in the "TEXT" property
the value MUST be escaped using the BACKSLASH character (US-ASCII decimal 92). However, the COLON character in "TEXT" Property value DOES NOT OUTPUT with the BACKSLASH character.

I am asking this because I am getting syntax errors in Meeting Maker v8.7.1b63 for Mac OS X due to this character, but not for the Windows software version (same version number). It is choking on the ics files I generate from the software I wrote. Is this a bug in my software?

This is the iCalendar file that is getting the error:

PRODID:-//abc/abc//NONSGML v1.0//EN
SUMMARY:Special Topics in Power Point
LOCATION:The Location 
DESCRIPTION:Learn how to use PowerPoint as a tool to organize and pres
 ent your ideas to others.  Basic computer skills are required.  This h
 ands-on workshop will provide you with experience in the following: wh
 at new in PowerPoint 2007\, presentation basics\, working with text
 \, viewing a presentation\, formatting\, finalizing a presentation and
  delivering a presentation.


Notice the colon in the third line of the description. Adding a forward slash to that colon fixes the problem on Mac, but I believe it is wrong according to the standard.

Thank you for your help!


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1 answer

It seems to be a bug in their software.

"However, the COLON character in the TEXT property value MUST NOT be escaped with the BACKSLASH character."

Very simple.

See if they have any patches. If not, try contacting them and tell them about it.



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