Zend error

How do I insert my username, password values ​​into the database using Zend framework.

And how do I get values ​​from the database using the zend framework.

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4 answers

Do you have any knowledge of working with databases in PHP? you should definitely start there before going into the framework. Once you have a basic understanding of how PHP and databases interact, moving to a good framework like Zend shouldn't be too difficult.

The Zend Framework manual has a fairly detailed overview of everything it can do with databases .



/ Insert / / ** * I'm assuming you are passing data through a controller * /

class Application_Model_YourModelName extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {

private static $_instance = null;
protected $_name = 'YourModelName';

public static function getinstance() {
    if (self::$_instance == null)
        self::$_instance = new Application_Model_YourModelName();
    return self::$_instance;

public function insertFunction(){
      $userName = func_get_arg(0); // or some index if wanna pass through key value pair
     $password = md5(func_get_arg(1));
       $data = array('userName'=>$userName, 'password'=>$password);
         $insert = $this->insert($data);

public function fetchFunction(){
  $sql = $this->select()
       ->where("*Your condition*")
   $result = $this->getAdapter->fetchAll(sql);


On the security front, using the md5 function is not secure enough, you might want to look for the bcrypt hashing algorithm. Here is a link to the same: http://framework.zend.com/manual/current/en/modules/zend.crypt.password.html



*To insert your values
* Here $uname and $password are values dynamically

$db = new Zend_Db(....);
$data = array(


*To get the values 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM <TABLENAME> WHERE vUserName = '".$uname."'";
$data = $db->fetchAll($sql);
return $data;




$db = new Zend_Db(....);
$data = array('username'=>'thomaschaaf', 'password'= md5('secret'));
$db->insert('field', $data);




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