How can I provide more reliable communication between SVN links and tickets

I am just trying to link Trac / SVN together so that my SVN captures my Trac Tickets. I read the documentation and realized (something like that) that ticket updates are developer dependent, using the correct syntax in the comment field, which shouldn't be put in the dot, I guess this ... allows the world to be untrustworthy so as not to offend anyone: P

I'm looking to add a custom field for this that doesn't require knowledge of the specific syntax to update tickets. The only problem: I don't have a first clue to start with ... I haven't even programmed in Python before, and although I can interpret what is happening in any given script, I don't want to learn the whole language just integrating these systems together anymore reliable.

I have very little experience with NIX, I am a Microsoft developer, so I have to hack all these technologies together using the command line, scripts and configuration files are an environment that is foreign to me.

So, has anyone changed Trac / SVN in this way, or done something similar before, and if so, is there a document or helpful user somewhere that walks me through the process?

Edit: Should I be considering changing my SVN client integration to make the process more intuitive for the developer, rather than changing the SVN / Trac communication? Perhaps this would be a more suitable route?


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3 answers

Pre-commits to check that the syntax of the commit message matches a valid ticket using regular expressions is your best bet. Found a blog entry here that points to most of the relevant sites blog entry



I am a little late to this party, but this is a very useful page that goes into detail on what you are talking about.

It allows you to set a property that highlights the bug number and turns it into a hyperlink to the bugtracking page when viewed in tortoisesvn (using regex and svn properties). Also say that you can get / develop plugins for tortoisesvn that allow you to pick an error from a list. There's probably one for trac, but I don't know where it is or how good it is.

Combine one of these with a server side hook to disallow no-number errors and you have a pretty good system.

Update. A quick google shows that TracExplorer may be the best choice for you.



You should get this for free with trac, just include the ticket number in your SVN post:

svn commit -m "# 635 bugfix"

trac recognizes that the commit belongs to ticket # 635 and needs to make a link, what else do you want to make a "link"? automatically close the ticket?



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