Exception with WCF

What is the best way to resolve an exception from a WCF service? How can you throw an exception from WCF service?


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3 answers

Using faults.



Jean-Paul Smits blogg



FaultContract is the way to go. The MSDN link given in another answer is a good place to look. It should be noted, however, that:

Resist the temptation to place Exception-derived classes in response to an error

Do not follow FaultContract<ArgumentException>

Rather create FaultContract<NameCanNotHaveDigitsFault>

where NameCanNotHaveDigitsFault

is your domain specific class, not tied to a specific framework.



You can throw FaultExceptions from the wcf service, they will be passed back to the client.

Any other type of exception will put your communication channel into a bad mode, making it unusable.

So the easiest (quickest and dirtiest) way to throw exceptions in a wcf service is to wrap / modify them in FaultExceptions.



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