Finding out what Ruby on Rails is

Is RoR for Ruby equivalent to what the .NET Framework is for VB.NET?


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4 answers


RoR is a rapidly growing web application development framework.

.NET is a common runtime, and VB.NET is compiled to the CLR for VB code.

RoR will be equivalent to the ASP.NET MVC framework (with tons of time and magic and surprisingly flexible language).



RoR is a framework (set of libraries) for building websites.




You can work it out to see What is Ruby on Rails and why is it so famous?

This answer links to the famous "Build a Blog in 15 Minutes with Ruby on Rails". VERY fun to watch. A lot shows what RoR is and how it is used to create applications.



RoR is for developing dynamic web applications that would otherwise require php. But with RoR, it is very easy to write code for large web applications, including ajaxifying. i say its very simple and fast bcoz ror is object oriented.



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