SSRS engine

This concerns the SSRS engine. For my project, we are not going to buy SQL server software. Instead of what I just want to know if there is an option to use only the SSRS mechanism. So that I can get the link. (DLL) And then I can use it wherever I want.

Please help us with this.


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6 answers

Unless we cover the technical aspects of running SSRS without SQL Server, you still need SQL Server for the license. SSRS is an integrated part of SQL Server, not a stand-alone component.

So, no, without buying SQL Server licenses, you cannot use SSRS even if you were technically capable of doing so, and I doubt it anyway.



SQL Server Express, free, ships with Reporting Services. No need to lay out a wrapper for full blown SQL Server.



The SQL Server Reporting Services engine is not just a dll. So it won't be easy like adding a link.

Usually you need to deploy reports to a web server and call reports there though.

I would suggest you take a look here:



You can create local reports that are not stored in the database, if that's what you mean.



SSRS needs SQL Server because the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases must be hosted on SQL Server. SQL Agent is also used by SSRS:

You can try PowerBI as an alternative solution for your project if you do not intend to purchase SQL Server software licenses:



You need to create local reports (.RDLC) using BIDS in visual studio. To make these reports, you need to write code to pass parameters and values โ€‹โ€‹for datasets. You need to add a Report Viewer link and use LocalReport to call the Render method. It will return you a byte array of the rendered report.

            using (Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport report = new LocalReport())
                string appPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

                report.ReportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(appPath, "Reports", RDLName.ToString());

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> dataSource in ReportDataSource)
                    report.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(dataSource.Key, dataSource.Value));

                if (ReportParameters != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> parameter in ReportParameters)
                        report.SetParameters(new ReportParameter(parameter.Key, (parameter.Value == null ? null : parameter.Value.ToString())));

                result = report.Render(Format);


                return result;




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