Corrupt quotes in the generated HTML for ASPX

intro: I'm sure it's my fault. But I just can't see it and before plucking my hair out I thought I should ask here;)

I have a button that looks like this in my ASPX:

<input onClick="ELB_ClearSelection('DropDownList___00178');"
type="Button" value="Clear" />


The HTML generated says:

<input onClick="ELB_ClearSelection("DropDownList___00178");"
type="Button" value="Clear" />


... which obviously doesn't work :(

I ran this thing through HTML Validator, and apart from the "usual" complaints (related to this not fully "understanding" ASPX) I did not see anything special, I checked balanced quotes programmatically and did not see anything suspicious, so I have no idea where to look farther: (

In case it helps, here is the complete ASPX:

<%@ Register tagPrefix="des" assembly="PeterBlum.DES" namespace="PeterBlum.DES" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="despval" assembly="PeterBlum.DES.NativeToDES" namespace="PeterBlum.DES.NativeToDES" %>
<%@Page Language="apl" Debug="true" Inherits="COPA" src="COPA_MS.dws" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mbcbb" Namespace="MetaBuilders.WebControls" Assembly="MetaBuilders.WebControls.ComboBox" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="ELB" Namespace="ELB" Assembly="EasyListBox" %>
    <meta name="date"      content="2009-01-03T10:55:39" />
    <meta name="generator" content="COPA_MS.DWS" defs="(11)(13)(14)" />
    <meta name="publisher" content="Dynamic Logistics Systems GmbH" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
      COPA_MS  - Dispogruppen
      </title>   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./copa.css" />   <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="custom-form-elements.js"></script>
      <span class="copa">COPA-</span><span class="ms">MS:</span> Dispogruppen
    <form runat=server><des:PageSecurityValidator id="PageSecurityValidator1" runat="server" >

      <input runat="server" type="hidden" NAME="SelMaskeId" value="11" ID=SelMaskeID>
        <input runat="server" type="hidden" NAME="TreffId" value="13" ID=TreffID>
              <td valign="top"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label__________00176" Text="Code Dispogruppe" /> </td><td><elb:EasyListBox runat="server" ID="ComboBox_______00176"  Text="" MaxLength="6" Width="100"   SelectQuery="***" ConnectionStringSqlServer="xxx"  DataValueField="code" DataTextField="code" DisplayMode="Combo" LimitToList="false" ></elb:EasyListBox></td>
              <td valign="top"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label__________00177" Text="Bezeichnung" /> </td><td><elb:EasyListBox runat="server" ID="ComboBox_______00177"  Text="" MaxLength="50" Width="210"  SelectQuery="***" ConnectionStringSqlServer="xxx"  DataValueField="bez" DataTextField="bez" DisplayMode="Combo" LimitToList="false" ></elb:EasyListBox></td>
              <td valign="top"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label__________00178" Text="Lieferant" /> </td><td><elb:EasyListBox runat="server" ID="DropDownList___00178"  Text="" MaxLength="0" Width="210" SelectQuery="***" ConnectionStringSqlServer="xxx"  DataValueField="id" DataTextField="bez"></elb:EasyListBox>
                 <input type="Button" value='Auswahl entfernen' onClick='ELB_ClearSelection("DropDownList___00178");' />
              <td valign="top"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label__________00182" Text="Dispo-Verfahren" /> </td><td><elb:EasyListBox runat="server" ID="DropDownList___00182"  Text="" MaxLength="0" Width="280       " Tref_Width="280" Tref_MaxLength="200" s_left="" s_top="" s_position="" css_sl="" css_tl="" css_dt=""  SelectQuery="***" ConnectionStringSqlServer="xxx"  DataValueField="id" DataTextField="bez"></elb:EasyListBox>
                  <input type="Button" value="Auswahl entfernen" onClick="ELB_ClearSelection('DropDownList___00182');" /></td>
            </table><br /><br />
          <asp:Button runat="server" ID="Button_Suchen"  Text="Suchen"  onClick="CatchAll_onClick" />




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2 answers

Change this:



For this:



In your ASPX.

I will not comment that in your markup, you select queries and data to enter your DB!



Ok, I finally changed this little contribution to asp: Button that behaves better. It doesn't seem to be a good idea to mix HTML controls and ASP controls. Anyway, thanks for your help, I learned a lot more. A comforting lesson as expected;) :(



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