Pgpgin and pgpgout - Linux counters in / proc / vmstat
I am writing an application that collects general system I / O statistics. I was wondering if there would be two counters for pages and pages,
in / proc / vmstat includes pages written and read from all disk based devices connected to the system.
Please let me know if you can!
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I would not understand why not. I mean, when you get the pagefault file, the necessary blocks can come from anywhere, depending on what filesystems are mounted where in the VFS (i.e. in memory mapped to I / O) or the process space has changed to exchange file systems / files. I don't understand why not all blockers will be counted, because they can all be used for swap (but it depends on what filesystems you have and how you use them)
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Pages are written to and from swap partitions; the numbers do not tell you to which section they were written, only that a paging event has occurred.
If you want to see disk IO statistics, you should look at / proc / diskstats or / sys / block / * / stat for block device I / O counters.
This article on vmstat helps you understand what the swap counters mean:
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See Linux source code, for example . There we find that counters are supported in a function submit_bio()
that seems to count any disk i / o (see its usage, for example;i=submit_bio ), so as not to be confused with operating system paging ( ).
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it may not be timely, but i did
man vmstat
and found that the file can be read, or there is a box that can be called by the same name. It will give you all of the same, but you can ask for it in different ways with a suitable convenience. There's a small bunch of descriptions for the various counters that bin reports.
Hope this helps, Josh
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