SQL Server querying xml with cursor

I currently have the following SQL 2005 code. I need to import XML as a bulk operation, however I may need additional processing for each record (possibly inserting into a separate table). At the moment I can only query the first element, how can I query the full cursor-style data where I loop through each DTO?

DECLARE @open_xml XML
SET @open_xml = '<DataDTOs>
< DataDTO>
    < UserId>123456789</UserId>
    < ItemID>0</ItemID>
  < /DataDTO>
< DataDTO>
    < UserId>112456789</UserId>
    < ItemID>10</ItemID>
  </ DataDTO>
< DataDTO>
    < UserId>123456129</UserId>
    < ItemID>20</ItemID>
  </ DataDTO>
< DataDTO>
    < UserId>120056789</UserId>
    < ItemID>444</ItemID>
  < /DataDTO>
</ DataDTOs>'

DECLARE @userid nvarchar(255) 
SELECT @userid = 
FROM @open_xml.nodes('//DataDTO') tab(col)
select @userid

-- Do some stuff

-- Get next UserID

-- Do some stuff


Any help on this would be great!




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2 answers

Nothing fancy, just declare a cursor over the selection from @xml:

DECLARE @userid nvarchar(255);

DECLARE crsDTO cursor static forward_only read_only for 
FROM @open_xml.nodes('//DataDTO') tab(col)

open crsDTO;
fetch next from crsDTO into @userid;
while 0 = @@fetch_status
 -- do you work
 fetch next from crsDTO into @userid;
close crsDTO;
deallocate crsDTO;


Normal warnings apply, maybe you can do inserts as a given operation instead of a cursor, etc. etc.



To avoid slow RBAR ("Row By Agonizing Row") processing, you can load XML data into temporary tables and monitor it with a series of set-based operations.



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