What are the recommended tools for sending bulk dynamic emails?

I feel like this question should have been covered, but I can't seem to find specifically what I'm here for.

Is it a good idea to use your own server to bulk mail my mailing lists, or are there good, reliable tools that achieve this and that can be easily integrated with various datasets?

Should I choose a payment service?

When building websites, email seems like such a gray area to me, I'm never sure what is the best way to do it.

If there is a tool

I need some software that I can integrate with some kind of database (SQL, Excel or CSV .. I don't mind) that will allow me to make dynamic HTML and send them to 100s / 1000s people.

I don't mind if it's software or its webserver if it can do the job reliably.

It might be a billing service because I understand that if I get my one server IP address then I'm in trouble - it's best to use a dedicated postal company to do this (or was I wrong?).

It would be nice if there was some API that can be used or a web service to send individual emails dynamically from the language (ideally .NET).

I need this for two purposes:

  • Submitting newsletters (no code integration required)
  • Submitting an account for confirmation email, etc. (code integration required)

I know I can easily send individual emails from my server using .NET, but it seems like a good idea to keep all sending emails in one place.

Does anyone have any recommendations?


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6 answers

I think the largest email provider in the world is Epsilon , formerly DreamMail.

If you're worried about having more control, you can buy StrongMail and enable a white / black listing service to help with the constant delivery battle.



I am using MailChimp and I am very happy with it. They have extensive APIs with great human support that can help with integration. They have the tools to suit your needs. The reports are great and they keep getting better.



The problem is not sending emails, but spam. It is generally worth spending money on using the service because the service will do all the work of making sure they are whitelisted with the main operators.



For newsletters, NewsWeaver is pretty good. You can find it here: http://www.newsweaver.co.uk/

As for the code integration, we ended up writing our own and used our own SMTP server to send them.



We had great success with http://www.briefyourmarket.com/

They have a web service api and templates are available for scripting.



ActiveTrail ( www.activetrail.com ) can perform bulk email with a simple web api and great delivery.

(proper disclosure: I am somewhat related to them)



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