Selecting transactions as one row

I have a requirement when I need to generate a report on current software projects. Two of the columns are the date of the last milestone and the date of the previous milestone. Obviously, milestones are stored in a transaction table, so we can have many milestones for each project.

I got here so far, but now I'm having problems:

select  proj.*
from zsof_projects proj
join zsof_milestones current_milestone on current_milestone.product_id =
join zsof_milestones last_milestone on last_milestone.product_id =
join    (
        select product_id, max(actual_date) maxDate
        from zsof_milestones
        group by product_id
        ) a on a.product_id = current_milestone.product_id and a.maxDate = current_milestone.actual_date
join    (
        select mile.product_id, max(actual_date) maxDate
        from zsof_milestones mile
        join    (
                select product_id, max(actual_date) maxDate
                from zsof_milestones
                group by product_id
                ) a on a.product_id = mile.product_id and mile.actual_date < a.maxDate
        group by mile.product_id
        ) b on b.product_id = last_milestone.product_id and b.maxDate = last_milestone.actual_date
order by;


The problem is that not all projects will have a final milestone, and not all projects will have more than one milestone. I've tried left joins, but then returning multiple lines for each project (which I should avoid).

I am using Oracle 10, so if there is something I can use in PL / SQL I will do that too.


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1 answer

use analytics :)

  FROM (SELECT proj.*, actual_date, 
               MAX(actual_date) over(PARTITION BY ms.product_id) last_milestone,
               lag(actual_date) over(PARTITION BY ms.product_id 
                                     ORDER BY actual_date) previous_milestone
           FROM zsof_projects proj
           LEFT JOIN zsof_milestones ms ON ms.product_id = v
 WHERE last_milestone = actual_date
    OR (actual_date IS NULL AND last_milestone IS NULL)


Update: I turned JOIN into LEFT JOIN if the project doesn't have a milestone.



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