Dynamically generated ASP.NET page has no basic html structure

I wrote a page (just a class derived from System.Web.UI.Page that I want to use on other sites. I dynamically add webcontrols to the Page.Controls collection like this:

Panel p = new Panel();
p.Style.Add("float", "left");


this code only displays

<div style="float:left;">


How can I add HTML, HEADER and BODY section without manual entry? Is it possible?


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4 answers

I recommend MasterPages, but you can do this:

public class CustomBase : System.Web.UI.Page  
    protected override void Render( System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter textWriter ) 
        using (System.IO.StringWriter stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter())
             using (HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter))
                 LiteralControl header =new LiteralControl();
                 header.Text = RenderHeader(); // implement HTML HEAD BODY...etc

                 LiteralControl footer = new LiteralControl();
                 footer.Text = RenderFooter(); // implement CLOSE BODY HTML...etc

                 this.Controls.AddAt(0, header); //top
                 this.Controls.Add(footer); //bottom







I don't believe there is an option to automatically generate tags, but you can create your own Render method that outputs the required basic HTML structure.



Before using MasterPages, the general way to add a header and footer for a page was to inherit from BasePage like http://gist.github.com/214437 and from Basic Header and Footer Controls. I think MasterPage is a better choice for you than BasePage above. One of the downsides to MasterPage is that you have to add asp: content to every page, but it's still better than the old one.



If your "page" is completely dynamic and doesn't have a front-end aspx (I didn't realize that this is possible ?!) ... then what you really want is probably a regular HttpHandler and not inherited from the page.



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